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Parasitoidism of the ichneumon Oxyrrhexis rugosus on the funnel-web spider and developmental characteristics of the parasitoid
投稿时间:2015-03-02  修订日期:2015-11-09
DOI:DOI: 10.13859/j.cjz.201506012
中文关键词:  皱胸尖裂姬蜂,机敏异漏斗蛛,拟寄生,蜘蛛寄主
英文关键词:Oxyrrhexis rugosus  Allagelena difficilis  Parasitoid  Host spider
刘科科 井冈山大学 吉安 江西 343009 liukeke_1986@126.com 
王占峰 井冈山大学 吉安 江西 343009  
陈志武 井冈山大学 吉安 江西 343009  
蒙泽元 井冈山大学 吉安 江西 343009  
蒋平 井冈山大学 吉安 江西 343009  
肖永红* 井冈山大学 吉安 江西 343009 yonghongxiao01@126.com 
摘要点击次数: 2431
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      寄生蜂是蜘蛛的主要天敌类群之一,但寄生于漏斗蛛的寄生蜂种类较少,且缺乏相关寄生蜂的详细研究报道。我们以皱胸尖裂姬蜂Oxyrrhexis rugosus(Liu, He and Chen)对机敏异漏斗蛛Allagelena difficilis(Fox)的拟寄生进行了研究,结果表明:交配后的雌性皱胸尖裂姬蜂经过寻找、降落、蛰刺蛛体后伺机将卵产在机敏异漏斗蛛的头胸部中窝部位;孵化后的皱胸尖裂姬蜂幼虫头部形成一个特殊摄食导管,通过摄食导管获取蛛体的营养;幼虫随着龄期增长,体色由浅变深,历期约10天;幼虫老熟后在蛛网的漏斗状管道内结茧化蛹,蛹期约为12天;成体雌、雄蜂寿命约为11天,皱胸尖裂姬蜂的平均生活史周期约为33天。皱胸尖裂姬蜂寄生后对蜘蛛造成了严重的影响,随着幼虫龄期增长被寄生机敏异漏斗蛛不再进食、蜕皮,活动减少,蛛体逐渐萎缩,直至老熟幼虫离开蛛体时,蜘蛛死亡。该研究结果不仅丰富了漏斗蛛寄生性天敌的种类,而且初步了解了以漏斗蛛为寄主的姬蜂的产卵行为、后代的发育特征,以及对寄主蜘蛛的影响,这将为研究蜘蛛寄生蜂及其与寄主蜘蛛之间的化学通讯和协同进化提供重要的科学依据。
      Parasitoid wasps are one of the main natural enemy groups of the spiders. However, the parasitoid wasps of funnel-web spiders are known little so far. Here we studied the parasitoidism of Oxyrrhexis rugosus on the funnel-web spider Allagelena difficilis. Our results showed that mated females of O. rugosus struggled to lay an egg on the dorsal cephalothorax near the thoracic groove of the spider A. difficilis after searching, landing and stinging. The ichneumon larvae consumed nutrition from the host spiders by a particular sucking tube piercing into the spider body. Body color of the larvae turned from light to dark during their developmental duration, which was about 10 days. At the end of the 3rd instar, the larvae left the spider bodies and spun a cocoon in the tunnel of the spider funnel-web. Pupation took place in the cocoon and the adult emerged from the pupa in about 13 days. The adult females and males lived about 11 days. The host spiders were severely affected by the parasitoid O. rugosus. After the ichneumonid larvae hatching, the host spiders won’t prey and molt anymore and became thinner and less active. Till the larvae left their bodies, the host spiders died. Our study reported a new parasitoid of natural enemy of the funnel-web spider and explored detail information about the parasitoid and the host, such as oviposition behavior and developmental characters of the ichneumonid O. rugosus, and the effect of parasitoid on the spider A. difficilis. Our results can benefit further studies on chemical communication and coevolution between the parasitoids and the host spiders.
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