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何芬奇,程松林,David S Melville,林剑声,林植,江航东,郭洪兴,程林,袁荣斌.2016.试论赤尾噪鹛指名亚种的受胁程度.动物学杂志,51(3):492-496.
On the Endangerment of Garrulax milnei milnei
投稿时间:2015-11-05  修订日期:2016-04-03
DOI:DOI: 10.13859/j.cjz.201603017
中文关键词:  赤尾噪鹛指名亚种  受胁程度  极危(CR)与野外灭绝(EW)之间  武夷山
英文关键词:Garrulax milnei milnei  Endangerment  In between CR and EW  Wuyishan (Mt. Wuyi)
何芬奇 中国科学院动物研究所 cn_0707@sina.com 
程松林* 江西武夷山国家级自然保护区 songlin513@126.com 
David S Melville 1216 Dovedale, R. D. 2 Wakefield  
林剑声 江西省科学院  
林植 厦门观鸟会  
江航东 厦门观鸟会  
郭洪兴 江西武夷山国家级自然保护区  
程林 江西武夷山国家级自然保护区  
袁荣斌 江西武夷山国家级自然保护区  
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全文下载次数: 1937
      本文作者近期曾梳理赤尾噪鹛指名亚种(Garrulax milnei milnei)自戴维神父1874年命名以来的相关报道, 揭示出该鸟近数十年来在野外的高稀缺性(He et al. 2015). 为此, 2015年3月至10月, 江西武夷山国家级自然保护区对赤尾噪鹛指名亚种展开专项野外调查达20余次, 并在保护区海拔1700 m以上地带29个位点安放了57台红外触发相机, 以期发现该鸟的现存证据. 遗憾的是, 无论是野外调查还是本次红外触发相机的照片/录像记录, 并扩延至保护区自2009年10月以来300余台红外触发相机的全部记录, 均未能发现或甄别出赤尾噪鹛指名亚种的存在. 据此, 作者提出赤尾噪鹛指名亚种当前的受胁程度当在极危(CR)与野外[功能性]灭绝(EW)之间.
      Quite recently, the authors reviewed all the relevant reports on Garrulax milnei milnei since the bird described by Père A. David in 1874, and showed its relatively long absence in wild around its typy locality in the last decades years (He et al. 2015). Then, during March–October 2015, the Jiangxi Wuyishan NNR carried out series of surveys together with 57 infrared–triggered cameras fixed at 29 locations above 1700 m the elevation for seeking the bird specifically. Whereas, either the current field effort or the results of the newly fixed cameras plus those results of in total of 300 cameras fixed in the whole area of the nature reserve since October 2009, no record of the bird could be identified since so far. It is hence to suggest that the current status of Garrulax milnei milnei might be considered to be in such a situation of in between Critically Endangered (CR) and [functionally] Extinct in the Wild (EW).
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