
① 辽宁大学生命科学院 沈阳 110036,① 辽宁大学生命科学院 沈阳 110036,① 辽宁大学生命科学院 沈阳 110036,① 辽宁大学生命科学院 沈阳 110036,辽宁大学生命科学院,① 辽宁大学生命科学院 沈阳 110036,① 辽宁大学生命科学院 沈阳 110036





家自然科学基金项目(No. 31672316),辽宁省教育厅项目(No. L2015196),辽宁大学大学生创新创业训练计划项目(No. x201510140160,x201610160169)

The Laterality of Display Behavior and Responses to Mirror-reflection in Black Paradise Fish

①School of Life Science,Liaoning University,①School of Life Science,Liaoning University,①School of Life Science,Liaoning University,①School of Life Science,Liaoning University,,①School of Life Science,Liaoning University,①School of Life Science,Liaoning University

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    动物行为的偏侧化现象广泛存在于各个类群,特别是具有仪式化展示和打斗行为的鱼类。越南黑叉尾斗鱼(Macropodus spechti)是一种雄性个体间具有模式化展尾行为小型淡水鱼类。本文主要研究越南黑叉尾斗鱼展尾行为或眼睛使用的偏侧化现象,以及镜面影像对其行为的影响。研究发现,越南黑叉尾斗鱼中在个体(94.6%,n = 35)和群体(左侧化指数:LⅠ = 0.25 ± 0.19)水平均具有明显的左侧化倾向;镜面影像会降低斗鱼的展示强度和左侧化倾向(LⅠ = 0.10 ± 0.23),但是,对水面呼吸的频次没有显著影响。这表明,越南黑叉尾斗鱼的左侧化倾向是对“头-尾”相对展示的一种适应,而镜面影像中“头-尾”展示姿势的变化对越南黑叉尾斗鱼的展示行为具有明显影响,但这种影响在反应强度(换气次数)上并没有差异,由此认为越南黑叉尾斗鱼对镜面影像缺乏自我识别能力。同时,由于偏侧化现象的存在,使得使用镜面影像无法获得和真实个体一致的行为响应结果。本研究对未来行为学研究中如何使用镜面影像研究动物行为具有重要的指导意义。


    The lateralization of animal behavior is widespread among vertebrates, which is particularly shown in the fish with ritualized fighting and display. The Black Paradise Fish (Macropodus spechti) is a species which shows agonistic and stereotyped displays among males. In this study, 37 male fish were kept in the individual glass tanks. All the fish were maintained isolated in their tanks which is divided by an opaque plate for 24 h before experimentation. Each fish was tested twice, once against a mirror and once against a real opponent, in a random order and with a gap of 30 minutes between each test. The mirror experiment was to replace the opaque plate with a single mirror so that the fish can see themselves in the mirror. When observations against the real opponents the opaque plate was replaced by glass plate so that the focal fish can see conspecifics (Fig. 1). Each experiment was lasted 20 minutes. The lateralization of eye-use (Fig. 2) and the number of fin display as well as, surface breaths were recorded during aggressive interactions. The data were not normally distributed and the nonparametric Wilcoxon matched-pairs signed test for data was used to compare responses to conspecifics and mirror images. It was found that the Black Paradise Fish had a great tendency of lateralization at 94.6 percent of individuals with a bias of displaying the left side and using the left eye when facing opponents. Meanwhile, there is an obvious tendency of left side in population (Fig. 3a), however, this tendency was reduced by mirror image (Fig. 4b) with no significant difference on the frequency of surface breathing (index for energy requirement and reaction intensity) (Fig. 4a). The results suggested that the laterality of display could be considered as a coordination in order to maintain the “head to tail posture” when facing opponents, while the change of this posture in the mirror image had a significant influence on the display behavior of the Black Paradise Fish (Fig. 5a), however, it did not show the intensity of air-breather difference. Therefore, the study indicated that the Black Paradise Fish lacked the self-recognition of the mirror image. Simultaneously, due to the potential effects of the existence of lateralization to our results, mirror image cannot obtain the consistent result, with conspecifics. This study could be a significant implication in guiding the use of mirror in future behavioral studies.



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  • 收稿日期:2018-01-08
  • 最后修改日期:2018-06-22
  • 录用日期:2018-06-21
  • 在线发布日期: 2018-07-16
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