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Histological Structure of Reproductive System in Freshwater Planarian
投稿时间:2007-10-16  修订日期:2008-03-06
中文关键词:  日本三角涡虫  生殖系统  组织结构  H.E染色  Masson染色  Van Gieson染色
英文关键词:Dugesia japonica  Reproductive system  Histological structure  H.E method  Masson method  Van Gieson method
薛德明 河南师范大学生命科学学院 新乡 453007 
陈广文 河南师范大学生命科学学院 新乡 453007 
武丽敏 河南师范大学生命科学学院 新乡 453007 
刘德增 河南师范大学生命科学学院 新乡 453007 
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      涡虫在动物系统演化史上占有十分重要的地位,雌雄同体,具有很强的再生能力,因此,对其生殖系统组织结构进行深入研究具有重要的意义。本文用3种染色方法(H.E染色、Masson染色、Van Gieson染色)显示了日本三角涡虫(Dugesia japonica)生殖系统的组织结构并对其进行了光镜观察。结果表明,该类涡虫生殖系统为雌雄同体。雌、雄性生殖系均由生殖腺和生殖管道构成,雌性生殖腺包括卵巢、卵黄腺和交配囊,生殖管道包括输卵管、交配囊柄;雄性生殖腺主要是精巢,生殖管道包括输精囊、输精管、球腔、射精管4部分。交配囊由单层柱状上皮构成,胞质强嗜碱性,胞核位于上皮基底面,游离面胞质呈现很多泡状结构;卵黄腺为单细胞腺,灯泡状,其核较小,位于柄部。因此,可以确定交配囊具有外分泌的功能;卵黄腺的数目存在周期性。
      Hermaphroditic planarians possess a very important position in systematic evolutionary history of animals,and have a powerful capacity of complete regeneration.The histological structure of reproductive system of Dugesia japonica is revealed with H.E method,Masson method and Van Gieson method.The results show that sexual planarians are hermaphrodites.Both the male reproductive system and the female one consist of reproductive glands and tubes.Female reproductive gland is composed of the ovary,the yolk gland and the copulatory bursa.Female reproductive tube includes the oviduct and the bursa stalk.The male reproductive gland is mostly composed of testes.Male reproductive tube includes the spermiducal vesicle,sperm duct,bulbar cavity,and ejaculatory duct.The copulatory bursa is made up of simple columnar epithelium:the cytoplasm is strongly basophil,the nucleus is located at the basal face of the epithelium,and many vesicular structures exist at the free face.The yolk gland belongs to unicellular gland like a bulb:its nucleus is smaller and situated at its handle.Thereby,it is identified that the copulatory bursa possesses the exocrine function.The number of the yolk gland represents periodism.
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