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Morphological Characteristics of the Branchial Nerve in Axolotl Embryos at Different Stages
投稿时间:2007-11-27  修订日期:2008-03-10
中文关键词:  美西螈  鳃神经  舌咽神经
英文关键词:Axolotl  Branchial nerve  Glossopharyngeal nerve
黄明玉 青海大学医学院解剖学教研室 西宁 810001,中国 
下川隆 日本金泽医科大学分子形态科学(解剖Ⅱ 内滩 920-0293,日本 
木南利栄子 日本金泽医科大学分子形态科学(解剖Ⅱ 内滩 920-0293,日本 
安高悟 日本金泽医科大学分子形态科学(解剖Ⅱ 内滩 920-0293,日本 
篠原治道 日本金泽医科大学分子形态科学(解剖Ⅱ 内滩 920-0293,日本 
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      在约25℃温度下孵化并选用第30~44期的美西螈(Ambystoma mexicanum)胚胎标本,用4%多聚甲醛溶液固定,进行整体标本免疫染色,体视显微镜观察。结果显示,胚胎30期,可观察到鳃神经节短小的鳃神经本干;胚胎35期,已能观察到较明显的部分分支和交通支;胚胎37期,形成上颌神经及下颌神经;胚胎38期,可观察到舌咽神经的背支、咽头支;胚胎40期,可观察到舌咽神经的鳃裂前支。因而,美西螈鳃神经在胚胎早期遵循祖先型排列的特点,之后随胚胎的发育,出现随鳃器官演化而重新分布的趋势;其舌咽神经基本保持了鳃神经的原始形态特点。
      Axolotl's(Ambystoma mexicanum)spawn was incubated at 25℃,and embryos at stages 30-44 were collected and fixed with 4% paraformaldehyde.The whole mount immunostaining was conducted and embryos were observed under stereomicroscope.The sensory ganglion of branchial nerve and smallish branchial nerve trunk were observed in the stage 30 embryo,rami and communicating ramus of branchial nerve appeared in the stage 35 embryo,maxillary and mandibular nerves developed in the stage 37 embryo,dorsal ramus and pharynges ramus of glossopharyngeal nerve were found in the stage 38 embryo,and pretrematicus ramus of glossopharyngeal nerve were observed in the stage 40 embryo.Early stage axolotl embryo kept the same pattern of branchial nerves as in the ancestral vertebrates.In later stage,embryo showed the evolution tendency of the branchial apparatus and branchial nerves appearance and redistribution.The glossopharyngeal nerve of axolotl kept the original morphological characteristic of branchial nerve.
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