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Animal Derived Diet of Great Bustard in the Breeding Season Based on DNA Barcoding
投稿时间:2020-04-10  修订日期:2021-03-08
中文关键词:  大鸨  DNA条形码  食性分析  非损伤性取样  高通量测序  食性多样性
英文关键词:Great Bustard, Otis tarda  DNA barcoding  Diet analysis  Noninvasive sampling  High-throughput sequencing  Diet diversity
基金项目:中央级公益性科研院所基本科研业务费专项资金(No. CAFYBB2018QB010),中国林业科学研究院中青年专家“走出去”计划项目(No. CAFYBB2017ZF006)
刘刚 中国林业科学研究院湿地研究所湿地生态功能与恢复北京市重点实验室 北京 100091 gangl@caf.ac.cn 
李皓 北京林业大学自然保护区学院 北京 100083 2644095288@qq.com 
吴自有 天科院环境科技发展(天津)有限公司 天津 300456 huankegongsi@126.com 
李惠鑫 中国林业科学研究院湿地研究所中国林业科学研究院湿地研究所湿地生态功能与恢复北京市重点实验室 北京 100091 lihuixin_07@163.com 
文菀玉 中国林业科学研究院湿地研究所湿地生态功能与恢复北京市重点实验室 北京 100091 15201136113@163.com 
周景英 内蒙古图牧吉国家级自然保护区 乌兰浩特 137600 zjytmj@126.com 
魏秀宏 内蒙古图牧吉国家级自然保护区 乌兰浩特 137600 hantmj@126.com 
岳伟 内蒙古图牧吉国家级自然保护区 乌兰浩特 137600 gongmh2005@hotmail.com 
白洁 内蒙古图牧吉国家级自然保护区 乌兰浩特 137600 jiaodeyu_99@163.com 
龚明昊* 中国林业科学研究院湿地研究所湿地生态功能与恢复北京市重点实验室 北京 100091 gongmh2005@hotmail.com 
钱英 内蒙古图牧吉国家级自然保护区 乌兰浩特 137600 qian_992211@163.com 
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      动物性食物是满足繁殖期大鸨(Otis tarda)能量和营养需求的重要来源,然而由于传统食性分析手段的局限性,大鸨繁殖期的动物性食物组成目前还不清楚,不同繁殖地大鸨的食性差异还有待研究。高通量测序应用于食性分析,具有工作量小、数据量大和分类精度高的优点。基于粪便取样,利用高通量测序技术,对内蒙古图牧吉国家级自然保护区靠山核心区和马鞍山片区繁殖期大鸨的动物性食物种类和组成进行分析,并比较食物多样性的空间差异。物种累计曲线表明,研究中的最小采样强度(n = 11)能够使MOTUs的检测限达到平台期。在24份大鸨粪便中,共发现29种不同动物性食物的DNA序列,均来源于无脊椎动物,以节肢动物门的鞘翅目占比最高(44.83%)。按照科水平分类,以金龟科占比最高(24.14%),其次为蝗科(13.79%)、芫菁科(10.34%)和蓟马科(6.89%)。马鞍山片区大鸨对食物的取食频率和粪便中被检测到其所取食食物种数均显著高于靠山核心区,食物多样性也显著高于后者,大鸨食性表现出一定空间差异。本研究为深入研究大鸨食性与栖息地选择的关系,以及了解大鸨繁殖期的觅食对策奠定了基础,为保护部门有效保护和恢复大鸨栖息地提供了食性水平的参考依据,同时为分子食性分析方法用于其他动物的觅食生态学研究提供了示范。
      Animal items consumed are important energy and nutrition resources for the Great Bustard (Otis tarda) during the breeding period. However, due to limitations of traditional diet analysis methods, the animal derived diet is still unclear, and the diet difference between different breeding sites is not well explored. The high-throughput sequencing (HTS) has offered major advantages over traditional methods in diet analysis, such as low work cost, big dataset and taxa assignment at a high fine scale level. Based on fecal sampling, we applied the HTS approach to identify animal items consumed by the Great Bustard in two core areas of Tumuji Nature Reserve (Kaoshan and Maanshan) during the breeding season, and compared the spatial variation in diet diversity. The diet diversity was estimated by Simpson and Shannon index, and the diet difference was compared between Kaoshan and Maanshan using ANOSIM test and nonmetric multi-dimensional scaling analysis (NMDS). The minimum sampling intensity (n = 11) is sufficient to make the detection limit of MOTUs reach the plateau (Fig. 1). Of 24 fecal samples, 29 unique prey DNA (Table 1) were discovered, corresponding to invertebrate species, with the prey group of the Coleoptera (the Arthropoda) accounting for the highest proportion (44.83%). Below the order level, the family Scarabaeidae accounted for the highest (24.14%), followed by Acridiidae (13.79%), Meloidae (10.34%) and Thripidae (6.89%). The consuming frequency of a given dietary species and the number of prey per individual in Maanshan were both significantly higher than that in Kaoshan, as well as the diet diversity index (Fig. 2). The diet of Great Bustard was different between two key breeding sites (Fig. 3). This study facilitates investigating the relationship between diet and habitat selection, as well as understanding of foraging strategies during the breeding period. By providing dietary reference data, it could help the conservation managers to effectively protect and restore the habitats of Great Bustard. Meanwhile, the basic framework could be applied in studying the feeding ecology of other species using the HTS method.
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