Abstract:Mosses,as main nest materials of Varied Tit (Parus varius),were collected and identified in Xianrendong National Nature Reserve,Liaoning Province,China from March to August in 2008 and 2009. The mosses belong to 9 genera,7 families,of them Brotherella,Brachytheccium,Plagiothecium and Entodon formed the higher proportion. The mosses availability were collected from 41 m × 1 m samples selected in the circle area with radius 30 m centered by each nest around 12 nests and from 35 moss communities within 20 m × 20 m samples around 10 more nests respectively. All the moss species collected from the samples belong to 8 genera, 7 families. Among the 35 communities,community B. fauriei appears in most frequency. The results suggested that the nest material selection by Varied Tit may related to the moss biotic traits,distribution and quantity. Based on statistical analysis,we found community sample method more suitable for this study.