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Fecundity and Year-Round Artificial Reproduction in Five Species of Sturgeons
投稿时间:2010-10-10  修订日期:2011-03-04
中文关键词:  鲟鱼  人工养殖  卵重比差异  周年繁殖
英文关键词:Sturgeon  Artificial breeding  Diversity of fecundity  Anniversary breeding
王斌 中国水产科学研究院 北京 100039
杭州千岛湖鲟龙科技开发有限公司 杭州 311700 
彭涛 广东省昆虫研究所 广州 510260  
夏永涛 中国水产科学研究院 北京 100039
杭州千岛湖鲟龙科技开发有限公司 杭州 311700 
师伟 杭州千岛湖鲟龙科技开发有限公司 杭州 311700  
张大海 杭州千岛湖鲟龙科技开发有限公司 杭州 311700  
陈金平 广东省昆虫研究所 广州 510260 chenjp@gdei.gd.cn 
摘要点击次数: 2336
全文下载次数: 2799
      2007年11月至2009年11月通过对12批次(共计5 207尾个体)解剖观察,统计了5种性成熟鲟鱼 Acipenser baeri )、俄罗斯鲟( A.gueldenstaedti )、施氏鲟( A.schrencki )、黑龙江杂交鲟( Huso dauricus ♀ × A.schrencki ♂ )和欧洲杂交鲟( H.huso ♀× A.ruthenus ♂ )]的性腺发育情况。结果显示,5种鲟鱼性腺在不同月份都能发育到第Ⅳ期,卵径达到或超过2.8 mm。2009年2月份,随机选取5条西伯利亚鲟和13条俄罗斯鲟进行反季节人工繁殖,除一尾俄罗斯鲟鱼没有产卵外,其余均获得繁殖成功。比较5种鲟鱼在人工养殖环境下第Ⅳ期卵巢的卵重比在不同月份的差异,结果表明,5种鲟鱼卵重比随月份的不同有差异。从卵重比与体重的相关性分析,施氏鲟、西伯利亚鲟、俄罗斯鲟和黑龙江杂交鲟的卵重比与体重成负相关,相关系数分别为-0.021 ( P <0.01)、-0.159 ( P <0.01)、-0.145 ( P <0.01)和-0.062 ( P <0.01);欧洲杂交鲟的卵重比与体重成正相关,相关系数0.051 ( P <0.01)。对体重与产卵重量的相关性做出拟合曲线方程,5种鲟鱼的产卵重量与体重都成正相关。我们的结果表明,在养殖条件下,5种鲟鱼繁殖不受季节的限制,全年均可以进行人工繁殖。
      Gonadal development of Siberian Sturgeon ( Acipenser baeri ), Russian Sturgeon ( A.gueldenstaedti ), Amur sturgeon ( A.schrencki ), Heilongjiang Hybrid Sturgeon ( Huso dauricus ♀ × A.schrencki ♂ ) and Europe Hybrid Sturgeon ( H.huso ♀ × A.ruthenus ♂ ) from 12 test groups was observed during November 2007 to November 2009.Their gonads could develop to stage Ⅳduring different seasons, with egg diameter reaching or exceeding 2.8 mm. In February 2009, 5 Siberian Sturgeons and 13 Russian Sturgeons were randomly selected for artificial reproduction, and all were induced to ovulate successfully except one Russian Sturgeon individual, suggesting that sturgeons can be artificially propagated at any seasons throughout a year. Their fecundity had seasonal fluctuations. It was showed that Amur sturgeon, Siberian Sturgeon, Russian Sturgeon and Heilongjiang Hybrid Sturgeon’s fecundity was negatively correlated with their body weight, with correlation coefficients at-0.021 ( P <0.01),-0.159 ( P <0.01),-0.145 ( P <0.01) and-0.062 ( P <0.01), respectively. Fecundity of the European Hybrid Sturgeon was positively related with body weight and the correlation coefficient was 0.051 ( P <0.01).Otherwise, curve fitting of body weight and egg weight showed that the body weight and egg weight were positively correlated in several species of sturgeon. Our results indicate that artificial breeding of all these 5 species of sturgeon is feasible all year round.
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