Abstract:In order to reveal the skin microstructure characteristics during metamorphosis of Bufo raddei tadpoles,we observed the continuous paraffin sections of skin from seven developmental stages of the tadpoles (including stages 19,22,26,36,41,43 and 46) and the dorsal skin paraffin sections of the adult toad. The structural development timing of different skin layers was observed by H.E staining and AB-PAS methods. The results showed that one layer of cells existed at stage 19, stage 22 and stage 26 skin epidermis, and the cell morphology and the number of layers between the dorsal skin and the belly skin showed significant difference at stage 36. The structure of cells in two layers of the skin epidermis was basically completed at stage 41, and the dermis structure was completed at stage 43, in which the micro-vessels (capillaries) and two types of the skin glands could be observed. The skin thickness and numbers of glands and micro-vessels showed significant difference in different regions at stage 46, and were significantly different from the skin structure of the adult toad. The results indicated a close correlation between the development of the tadpole skin structure and its living environment.