
1.沈阳师范大学两栖爬行动物研究所 沈阳 110034;2.沈阳农业大学生物科学技术学院 沈阳 110866;3.中山大学生态学院 广州 510006;4.辽宁蛇岛老铁山国家级自然保护区管理局 大连 116041;5.中国科学院动物研究所 北京 100101







国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目(No. 42202014);

The Updated Checklist and Zoogeographic Division of the Reptilian Fauna of Liaoning Province

1.Institute of Herpetology, Shenyang Normal University, Shenyang 110034; 2.Bioscience and Technology College, Shenyang Agricultural University, Shenyang 110866; 3.School of Ecology, Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou 510006; 4.Liaoning Snake Island-Laotie Mountain National Nature Reserve, Dalian 116041; 5.Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China

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    基于此前辽宁省爬行动物调查资料和分类学研究,结合近年来野外调查进展,对辽宁省爬行动物名录和区系进行修订,并报道辽宁省蛇类新记录二种——乌梢蛇(Ptyas dhumnades)和黑头剑蛇(Sibynophis chinensis)。根据从辽宁省凌源市野外获得的影像资料进一步确认黑眉锦蛇(Elaphe taeniura)在辽宁省的分布。另依据采集自葫芦岛市的1号王锦蛇(E. carinata)标本对该种在辽宁省的分布予以补充描述。截至2023年5月,辽宁省记录爬行动物2目11科21属37种,其中,龟鳖目3科4属5种,有鳞目蜥蜴亚目3科5属10种,蛇亚目5科12属22种。爬行动物中,国家一级重点保护野生动物3种,国家二级重点保护野生动物6种。此外,有15个物种被《中国生物多样性红色名录 脊椎动物 第三卷 爬行动物》评估为受威胁物种。根据辽宁省爬行动物最新分布信息,将辽宁省划分为6个动物地理省,分别为辽东山地丘陵省、辽东半岛山地丘陵省、辽河平原省、努鲁儿虎山北麓丘陵台地及西辽河沙地省、辽西山地丘陵省和冀辽山地省,其中,冀辽山地省为本研究中新增动物地理省。扩大原辽东半岛丘陵省涵盖范围,并将其名称修订为“辽东半岛山地丘陵省”。


    [Objectives] Species diversity and geographical distribution are important basis for wildlife research and protection. Therefore, updating the list and fauna of reptiles in Liaoning Province will further lay the foundation for ecological research and protection of the reptiles distributed in the area. [Methods] We updated the list of reptiles in Liaoning Province based on published research literature and recent field investigations. On this basis, according to the composition of reptile species and the distribution range of representative species in various regions, adjustments were made to the reptile geographical flora of Liaoning Province. [Results] Based on the existing research and field investigation of reptiles in Liaoning Province, the checklist and zoogeographic division of the Reptilian Fauna of Liaoning Province were revised. The distribution of Elaphe taeniura in Liaoning Province was further confirmed with the image of E. taeniura from Lingyuan (Fig. 1). Two new snake species are newly recorded in Liaoning Province, which are Ptyas dhumnades (Fig. 2, Fig. 3) and Sibynophis chinensis (Fig. 4). And supplementary description based on an E. carinata specimen from Huludao City (Fig. 5). Up to May 2023, 37 species belonging to 21 genera and 11 families of 2 orders were recorded in Liaoning Province, including 5 species of Testudines in 4 genera, 3 families, 10 species of Lacertilia in 5 genera, 3 families, and 22 species of Serpentes in 12 genera, 5 families (Appendix 1). Reptiles include 3 species listed in category Ⅰ of wild animals under special state protection of China and 6 species listed in category Ⅱ of wild animals under special state protection of China. In addition, 15 species were evaluated as threatened species by China’s Red List of Biodiversity:Vertebrates Volume Ⅲ, Reptiles. According to the latest information on reptile distribution, Liaoning Province was divided into six zoogeographical provinces, which are the eastern hills of Liaoning, the hills of Liaodong Peninsula, Liaohe Plain, the sands and platforms of northern Liaoning, western hills of Liaoning, and the end of the Yanshan Mountains (Fig. 6, Table 1). The end of Yanshan Mountain is the newly added zoogeographical province in this study. And the former hills of the Liaodong Peninsula were expanded. [Conclusion] According to the geographical distribution of reptiles in Liaoning, the end of Yanshan Mountain has the richest species diversity of reptiles, while the sands and platforms of northern Liaoning have the least. In some parts of Liaoning, the habitat of reptiles has been destroyed, leading to a decrease in the number of them. In addition, artificially bred Pelodiscus sinensis entering the wild may damage the population of indigenous P. maackii. Therefore, we suggest establishing more natural reserves and limiting the entry of artificially bred P. sinensis into the wild to protect the diversity of reptiles in Liaoning Province.



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  • 收稿日期:2022-12-09
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  • 在线发布日期: 2023-08-18
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