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Tissue Structure and Early Development of Olfactory Sac in Siniperca chuatsi
投稿时间:2021-11-22  修订日期:2022-05-04
中文关键词:    嗅囊  嗅上皮细胞  早期发育
英文关键词:Key words: Siniperca chuatsi  Olfactory sac  Olfactory epithelial cells  Early development
基金项目:财政部和农业农村部国家现代农业产业技术体系项目(No. CARS-46)
陈铭 上海海洋大学农业农村部淡水水产种质资源重点实验室水产动物遗传育种中心上海市协同创新中心 水产科学国家级实验教学示范中心 上海 201306 1849247984@qq.com 
赵金良* 上海海洋大学农业农村部淡水水产种质资源重点实验室水产动物遗传育种中心上海市协同创新中心 水产科学国家级实验教学示范中心 上海 201306 jlzhao@shou.edu.cn 
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      本研究采用组织切片和免疫组织化学方法以及扫描电镜和透射电镜观察并描述了鳜(Siniperca chuatsi)嗅囊组织结构特征和早期发育过程。结果显示,鳜具有2对鼻孔,前后鼻孔紧密相连,具有皮瓣。嗅囊位于嗅腔内,由16 ~ 20个初级嗅板构成,为G型嗅囊,初级嗅板通过褶皱产生次级嗅板。嗅板远端边缘为非感觉区,感觉区主要位于嗅板中端和近端。嗅上皮细胞可分为6类,即纤毛非感觉细胞、纤毛感觉细胞、微绒毛感觉细胞、支持细胞、基细胞和黏液细胞。从仔鱼到幼鱼阶段,1 ~ 7日龄仔鱼嗅基板较薄,表面有纤毛,10日龄嗅窝内陷并形成嗅腔,26日龄稚鱼形成第1对初级嗅板,55日龄幼鱼形成8对初级嗅板。55日龄前,鳜嗅囊发育较迟缓,初级嗅板侧向平行排列,尚未形成次级嗅板。
      Olfactory organ is one of the important chemical sensory organs in fish, which plays an important role in foraging, reproduction and migration. In order to understand the structure and early development characteristics of olfactory sac of Siniperca chuatsi, the morphological structure of olfactory organ, structure and early development of olfactory epithelium were observed by paraffin section, H.E staining, Massorn staining, immunohistochemistry, scanning and transmission electron microscopy. The results showthat Siniperca chuatsi has two pairs of nostrils, and the anterior and posterior nostrils are closely linked, with flaps (Fig. 1a). The olfactory sac is located in the olfactory cavity, which is composed of 16﹣20 primary olfactory lamellas (Fig. 1b). It is a G-type olfactory sac, and the primary olfactory lamellas generate secondary olfactory lamellas through folds (Fig. 1c). The distal edge of olfactory lamella is a non-sensory area, and the sensory area is mainly located at the middle and proximal ends of olfactory lamellas. Olfactory epithelial cells can be divided into six categories: ciliated non-sensory cells, ciliated receptor cells, microvilli sensory cells, supporting cells, basal cells and mucous cells (Fig. 1e﹣g). Under the scanning electron microscope, there are a large number of cilia coverings on the surface of sensory area, and microvilli on the surface of secondary olfactory lamellas (Fig. 1h, i). There are convex ridges on the surface of the non-sensory region (Fig. 1j). From larvae to young fish, the olfactory substrate of 1﹣7 days old larvae is thin and the cells are loosely arranged (Fig. 2a). At 7 days of age, the olfactory base plate is thickened to form an olfactory fossa with cilia on the surface of olfactory epithelium (Fig. 2b). At 10 days of age, the olfactory base continues to sink into the olfactory fossa and forms an olfactory cavity (Fig. 2c). At 26 days old, juveniles form the first pair of primary olfactory lamellas (Fig. 2e), and at 55 days old, juveniles form eight pairs of primary olfactory lamellas (Fig. 2h). Before 55 days of age, the olfactory sac of S. chuatsi develops slowly, the primary olfactory lamellas are arranged laterally, and the secondary olfactory plate is not formed.
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