Abstract:Species richnenss of amphibians and reptiles was surveyed on 53 transects in Dabie Mountain during September, 2006 to July, 2013. Twentyone amphibian species, belonging to 8 families, 2 orders and thirtyfive reptile species, belonging to 8 families, 2 orders, were found. The main distribution pattern of Amphibians and Reptiles in Dabie Mountain is SouthChina type, the main faunal specification is Central China Realm and South China Realm. Five speices, Mauremys mutica, Coluber spinalis, Pareas boulengeri, Amphiesma sauteri and Plagiopholis styani are first recorded in Dabie Mountains, and Protobothrops dabieshanensis was the new snake species reported in 2012. Species of Cynops orientalis, Bufo gararizans, Fejervarya multistriata, Pelophylax nigromaculatus, Rana chensinensis, Dinodon rufozonatum, Elaphe carinata, Rhabdophis tigrinus and Zaocys dhumnades are dominant in Dabie Mountains. In consideration of the Amphibian-Reptile biodiversity and characteristic faunal specification of Dabie Mountain, more attention is required to the species conservation in this region.