Abstract:Rusty-throated Parrotbill (Paradoxornis przewalskii) is endemic to China with a severely restricted range in northern Minshan Mountains. Recent discoveries provide us valuable information on its habitat and current distribution, whereas no observation on its breeding has been reported. We observed one breeding pair of Rusty-throated Parrotbill and their three newly hatched offspring on June 10, 2013, at Tangjiahe National Nature Reserve, Sichuan Province, and documented their nesting habitat and nest structure. The nest was located in dense Fargesia denudata bamboo undergrowth with sparse Abies faxoniana and Betula albo-sinensis canopy, located close to the tree-line at 2 700 m asl on a steep south-facing slope. The elaborate cup-shaped nest was 6.6 cm of height, 5.0 cm of depth, 4.8 cm of inner diameter and 7.0 cm of outer diameter. The nest was constructed from dry grass and bamboo leaves, decorated with green moss. This report provided basic information to guide further studies on the breeding ecology and habitat selection of this rare species.