Abstract:This paper presents data from a study of 7 breeding sites of the Bearded Vulture (Gypaetus barbatus barbatus) in the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau from 1991 to 1992 and from 2010 to 2013. The results indicate that laying date of the Bearded Vulture began in early December and lasted until late January (range 7 December to 28 January, n = 4). Mean clutch size was 1.86 and 85.71% of nests contained two eggs (n = 14). The size of 3 eggs mearsured were 84.4 (83.1-88.3) mm in length and 68.03 (67.0-70.0) mm in width. Breeding success were 81.82% (2010-2012, n = 22). The altitude range of nest sites was from 2 600 m to 4 575 m. The average distance between the breeding pairs was 35.84 km (25.10-47.3 km), and territorial area were 321.13 km2 (157.56-559.32 km2). The proportion of juveniles was reduced from 30.17% to 16.67% during the past 20 years, and that of adults was increased from 61.21% to 70.83%(since 1990). Compared with the breeding nests of the Himalayan Griffon (Gyps himalayensis), we estimated the population size of this species was less than 1 410 breeding pairs in the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau (about 2 500 000 km2). The threaten factors to the Bearded Vulture are 4 major categories of more than 10 kinds: (1) persecution by hunting, including the illegal acquisition of ornamental specimens and traditional medicine by the way of shooting, poisoning bait and trapping net etc.;(2) indirect unconscious persecution, mainly the rodenticide poisoning, the second is to anti-wolf poisoning activity, included snares placed in the livestock carcass side. (3) setting up the infrastructure, such as power lines and the wind farm, road construction directly to habitat disturbance and lead to greatly increase in human disturbance to the nesting area;(4) the influence of modern production and way of life, these relate to the rapid processing of the frail livestock and complete utilization of livestock carcass(to reduce the food source), animal disease prevention and control measures may cause the effect of residual drug for the Bearded Vulture, the lack of soft nest material(wool used for lining the interior of the nest) and the waste chemical fiber textiles is used by the Bearded Vulture can affect the warm demands of egg and chick in the cold season.