东亚-澳大利西亚候鸟迁飞区中杓鹬 的迁徙追踪

① 复旦大学生物多样性与生态工程教育部重点实验室,上海崇明东滩湿地生态系统国家定位观测研究站, 崇明生态研究院 上海 200433,中国;② 香港水鸟环志组 香港,中国; ③ 澳洲涉禽研究组 维多利亚 3193,澳大利亚;④ 上海市崇明区林业站 上海 202150,中国





国家自然科学基金项目(No. 31830089,No. 31772467),上海市科委项目(No. 18DZ1205002),世界自然基金会项目(No. 10003881)

Tracking the Migration of Whimbrels along the East Asian-Australasian Flyway

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    追踪候鸟的迁徙活动是全面认识其生活史年周期的重要途径。中杓鹬(Numenius phaeopus)在全球广泛分布,但在东亚-澳大利西亚候鸟迁飞区的迁徙活动一直缺乏追踪研究。2018年2月,在澳大利亚西北部的布鲁姆为捕捉到的中杓鹬成鸟佩戴平台发射终端或全球定位系统-全球移动通讯系统追踪器,以确定其迁徙日程、迁徙路线以及迁徙停歇地和繁殖地的地理位置。我们从成功追踪的7只个体获取了6 378条精度高于1 km的位点数据。分析结果表明,在春季,中杓鹬的迁徙时长为(36 ± 4)d,其间在1 ~ 3个迁徙停歇地的停留日期为(23 ± 2)d,从越冬地到繁殖地的迁徙距离为(9 795 ± 346)km(n = 7)。追踪的中杓鹬在俄罗斯东部和中部区域繁殖,不同个体的繁殖地纬度相近而经度范围较广。在秋季,中杓鹬的迁徙时长为(90 ± 27)d,相比春季迁徙时长更长;其间,在2 ~ 4个迁徙停歇地停留(79 ± 29)d,从繁殖地到越冬地的迁徙距离为(10 101 ± 520)km(n = 5)。无论在春季还是秋季迁徙,迁徙停歇地广泛分布于东亚、东南亚沿海及内陆区域。大部分个体春季和秋季的迁徙路线相近,成功追踪的个体均在秋季返回了上一年的越冬地,这表明中杓鹬对越冬地具有很高的忠诚度。


    Tracking the migration of migratory birds is an important way to understand the annual cycle of their life history. The Whimbrel (Numenius phaeopus) is widely distributed in the world, with a lack of tracking studies along the East Asian-Australasian Flyway. In February 2018, adult Whimbrels were captured in Broome, northwest Australia and were deployed with platform transmitter terminals (PTTs) or Global Positioning System-Global System for Mobile Communications (GPS-GSM) tags to explore their migration timing, migration routes, and the locations of stopover and breeding sites. A total of 6 378 records of geographical locations with higher than 1 km from seven individuals (three with PTTs and four with GPS-GSM tags) were used for analysis. We defined that birds stopped migratory flight when there were at least two geographical locations within 25 km were recorded in over 24 h. If the data before or after the critical time were absent, the median of adjacent values were used as the inference value. The migration duration was defined as the number of days between the date that birds started migration and the date that birds arrived at migration destination. The total stopover duration was defined as the sum of length of time that birds stayed at all the stopover sites along their migration route. The great-circle distance between two adjacent stopover site was used as migration distance. Results shows that during spring migration, the migration duration was 36 ± 4 d; birds spent 23 ± 2 d at 1﹣3 stopover sites; the total migration distance was 9 795 ± 346 km (n = 7, Table 1, 2) in spring. The breeding sites of Whimbrels were located in eastern and central Russia. The latitudes of breeding sites were similar among individuals while the longitudes of breeding sites greatly varied (Fig. 1). In autumn, the migration duration was 90 ± 27 d; birds stayed for 79 ± 29 d at 2﹣4 stopover sites; the total migration distance was 10 101 ± 520 km (n = 5, Table 1, 2). Stopover sites were widely distributed in coastal and inland regions in East and Southeast Asia during both spring and autumn migration. Most individuals used the similar migration routes in spring and autumn. All the individuals with tracking data for a year used the same wintering sites as the previous winter (Fig. 1), indicating that Whimbrels are highly faithful to their wintering sites.


曹文华,柯娩娟,邝粉良,梁嘉善,HASSELL Chris, MAGLIO Grace, MINTON Clive,李永涛,马志军.2019.东亚-澳大利西亚候鸟迁飞区中杓鹬 的迁徙追踪.动物学杂志,54(6):775-783.

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  • 收稿日期:2019-07-30
  • 最后修改日期:2019-10-30
  • 录用日期:2019-10-28
  • 在线发布日期: 2019-12-10
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