Abstract:In order to understand the intestinal parasite infection in wild Macaca mulatta tcheliensis, 194 fecal samples were collected and detected by the Sheather's sugar flotation,modified acid-fast staining and Lugol's iodine-solution staining methods.The result showed that main intestinal parasites were Amoeba sp., Isospora sp., Trichuris sp., Strongylid sp., Physaloptera sp., Enterobius sp. and Ascarid sp.. The total infection rate was 97.4%.The infection rate of nematode was 93.8%.The infection rate of Trichuris sp.was the highest (91.2%). The infection rates of Amoeba sp.and Strongylid sp.followed with 67.5% and 60.8%,respectively.The mixed infection rate of parasites was 87.1%,that of nematode was 71%.The mixed infection of three nematodes (Trichuris sp., Strongylid sp., Physaloptera sp.) was common,infected by two nematodes was 42%,by three nematodes was 29%. The infection intensities of the Trichuris, Strongylid, Physaloptera were detected by MacMaster's method. EPG values of more than 92% of the nematode positive samples were below 2 000. The Isospora sp.was first reported in non-human primates in china; Amoeba, Trichuris, Physaloptera, Enterobius, Ascarid can infect human; therefore the results have an important significance to public health.