建鲤IGFBP 3 基因多态性对生长的影响


Isolation of IGFBP3 Gene and SNPs Associated with Body Weight Gain in Cyprinus carpio var.jian
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    胰岛素样生长因子结合蛋白3 (insulin-like growth factor binding protein,IGFBP3)是调节动物生长和代谢的重要基因。本实验查找了建鲤 (Cyprinus carpio var. jian) IGFBP3s基因上的SNP位点。使用PCR-RFLP检测了其中5个位点 (IGFBP3a-I3_G-253T、IGFBP3b-I2_G30T、IGFBP3b-I3_A-341G、IGFBP3b-E4_C54T、IGFBP3b-E4_C72G)在931尾 (485,446♀)建鲤中的基因型分布。基因型与增重的相关性分析结果显示,5个位点均与雌性鱼种阶段增重呈极显著 (P<0.01)或显著 (P<0.05)相关,增重快个体的基因型分别为TT型、GG型、AG型、CC型和CG型;与雄性鱼种阶段增重显著 (P<0.05)相关的只有G30T,其中GG型个体增重显著较TT型快;C72G和A-341G两个位点与雌、雄成鱼增重呈极显著 (P<0.01)或显著 (P<0.05)相关,C72G的CG型增重显著快于CC型和GG型个体,A-341G的AG型和GG型雄性个体增重显著 (P<0.05)较AA型快,但雌鱼中增重最快个体的基因型为AG型;此外,与雌性成鱼增重相关的位点还有G30T,其GG型和GT型增重显著 (P<0.05)快于TT型个体,在雄性成鱼中也是GG型鱼长得较快,只是不显著;G-253T的GT型雄性成鱼增重极显著 (P<0.01)快于GG和TT型个体,但在雌鱼中没有这种趋势。在雌雄鱼中均增重快的个体是G30T的GG型、A-341G的AG型和C72G的CG型,可以作为今后分子育种的标记。分析表明随富集标记个数的增多,增重也随之增大,这与数量性状特性相符。


    Insulin-like growth factor binding protein 3 (IGFBP3) is a most important gene regulating animal growth and metabolism. We isolated two IGFBP3 genes from Cyprinus carpio var.jian in this experiment. Eighteen SNPs loci were identified on IGFBP3a and IGFBP3b respectively. Eight SNPs were located at exons. PCR-RFLP was applied to detect genotypes of five SNPs (IGFBP3a intron 3_G-253T, IGFBP3b intron 2_G30T, IGFBP3b intron 3_A-341G, IGFBP3b exon 4_C54T, IGFBP3b exon 4_C72G) in 931 individuals (485,446♀). Correlation analysis between genotypes and weight gain showed that five SNPs were associated with female juvenile weight gain significantly (P<0.01 or P<0.05) and individuals with these five SNPs loci, TT, GG, AG, CC and CG genotype grew faster than other individuals. Only G30T was significantly related to male juvenile weight gain (P<0.05) and the GG individuals grew significantly faster than TT ones. C72G and A-341G were significantly pertinent to adult weight gain (P<0.01 or P<0.05). Individuals with CG at C72G were significantly larger than those with CC and GG types. The AG and GG type male adult weight gain of A-341G were significantly higher than AA type, while AG type grew the fastest in female adult fish. G30T was significantly associated with female adult weight gain. The GG and GT type fish weight gain were significantly (P<0.05) higher than TT type, and the GG male adult individuals also grew obviously faster than other types. The GT type male adult weight gain of G-253T was significantly higher than GG and TT type (P<0.01), while no similar situation was found in female adult individuals. To conclude, with the fastest weight gain, GG type of G30T, AG type of A-341G and CG type of C72G could be used as molecular markers in C. carpio var. jian breeding. In addition, weight gain increased with the enrichment of molecular SNPs markers, consistent with the characteristics of quantitative traits.

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魏可鹏,俞菊华,李红霞,李建林,唐永凯.2012.建鲤IGFBP 3 基因多态性对生长的影响.动物学杂志,47(1):96-104.

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  • 收稿日期:2011-08-16
  • 最后修改日期:2011-11-11
  • 在线发布日期: 2012-02-07