Abstract:Chemical communication is a basic and universal intra-and inter-specific communication in spiders. Gustatory hairs are chemoreceptors detecting chemicals from the environment by contacting or close-range olfactory. Up till now, few studies compared chemoreceptors among spiders. Here we studied morphology, quantity and distribution of gustatory hairs in 32 spider species from Pholcidae, Leptonetidae, Telemidae, Thomisidae, Theridiidae by scanning electronic microscopy (SEM). The typical features of spider gustatory hairs are in "S" or arc shape with open end, and they emerge from the cuticle at a great angle. Spider gustatory hairs usually locate on tarsi and metatarsi of their legs, while some studied species have gustatory hairs on tibia. Except for 3 spider species, Thomisus labefactus and Lysiteles inflatus from Thomisidae and Phycosoma mustelinum from Theridiidae, gustatory hairs are not present on the pedipalps. Quantity of the gustatory hairs varies among the spiders. Morphology, quantity and distribution of gustatory hairs in spiders may be correlated with not only heredity but also habitats and predatory styles.