Abstract:Based on observation of food habit of common birds was observed at a 20 hm2 plot from October 2010 to September 2011 in Tiantong Forest Park, Zhejiang, we analyzed the relation between birds and tree species. Among the 3 130 birds of 32 species observed that belong to 5 families and 12 orders 5 species Alcippe morrisonia, Aegithalos concinnus, Parus major, Hemixos castanonotus and Pycnonotus sinensis were dominant. The species of trees perched by birds were correspondingly related to bird species by similarity index and Spearman correlation analysis. Birds Parus major and Aegithalos concinnusmore likely foraged on or near trees of Diospyros glaucifolia, bird Pycnonotus sinensis was near trees of Vaccinium trichocladum and Schoepfia jasminodorain autumn, while birds Hemixos castanonotus selected their forage site near trees of Eurya muricata in summer and autumn.