
1.中国环境科学研究院生态研究所 北京 100012;2.国家环境保护区域与城市生态过程与功能评估重点实验室 北京 100012;3.中国科学院动物研究所 北京 100101;4.兰州大学 兰州 730000







Roughskin Sculpin Trachidermus fasciatus Found in Luanhe River Estuary for Two Consecutive Years, Hebei, China

1.Institute of Ecology, Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences, Beijing 100012; 2.State Environment Protection Key Laboratory of Regional Eco-process and Function Assessment, Beijing 100012; 3.Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101; 4.Lanzhou University, Lanzhou 730000, China

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    松江鲈(Trachidermus fasciatus)是一种降海洄游的浅海繁殖肉食性鱼类,为国家二级保护野生动物。在我国,松江鲈的历史分布区主要在黄海、渤海、东海沿岸及通海河流,但近年文献观点认为松江鲈已在渤海区域消失。2022年7月、2023年7月和10月分别在河北滦河口记录到1尾、19尾和1尾松江鲈。通过对标本进行线粒体细胞色素b(Cyt b)基因测序,与NCBI数据库已有基因序列比对分析,确定该物种为松江鲈。本文梳理了我国沿海松江鲈的历史和现状分布记录以及增殖放流情况。根据河北省渤海海区松江鲈以及滦河口鱼类的文献记录,松江鲈历史分布区主要在北戴河和秦皇岛海域,滦河口仅有1次早期文字记录和1次2010年的调查记录。尚未发现渤海沿岸有松江鲈增殖放流活动的报导。此次在滦河口连续两年调查到松江鲈,说明在该水域存在繁殖性洄游群体。滦河口存在松江鲈,可能与洄游通道畅通、入海断面水质多年维持地表水水质Ⅱ类且近海水质清洁(海水水质一类或二类)以及捕捞压力较轻有关。建议进一步跟踪监测滦河口松江鲈的洄游范围、繁殖地和种群动态并严格实施保护。


    The Roughskin Sculpin Trachidermus fasciatus is an annual carnivorous fish that undergoes short-distance catadromous migration. It has been found in the coastal areas of the Yellow Sea, Bohai Sea, East China Sea, and estuaries. Recent reviews have indicated the potential disappearance of Roughskin Sculpin from the Bohai Sea region. In China, this species is classified as a second-class protected wild animal. This study reports the discovery of Roughskin Sculpin individuals at the Luanhe River Estuary, Hebei, China. In July 2022, July 2023, and October 2023, 1, 19,and 1 Roughskin Sculpin individuals were recorded, respectively (Fig. 1 and 2). Mitochondrial Cyt b gene sequencing of the specimens confirmed their identification as Roughskin Sculpin (Fig. 3 and Table 1). To gain further insights into the distribution and conservation status of this species, we reviewed historical and current distribution records (Table 2), as well as the breeding and release activities of the Roughskin Sculpin along the coastal areas of China. The literature on the Roughskin Sculpin in the Bohai Sea area of Hebei Province and the fish species found in the Luanhe River Estuary was reviewed. Roughskin Sculpin have mainly been reported in the seas of Beidaihe and Qinhuangdao. However, there were only limited records available for the Luanhe River Estuary, with only one early record and one investigation in 2010. Up to now, evidence of the releasing of Roughskin Sculpin has not been found along the coast of Bohai Sea. The discovery of Roughskin Sculpin in two consecutive years suggests the presence of a breeding migratory population in the Luanhe River Estuary, contradicting to the previous assumptions. The recovery of the Roughskin Sculpin population in this area can be attributed to factors such as the unobstructed migratory passage at the Luanhe River Estuary, the consistently good water quality of the Estuary and nearshore sea, and the relatively light fishing pressure. Further monitoring is necessary to understand the migration range and breeding habitat of the Roughskin Sculpin. Additionally, stricter inspections and fishing bans should be implemented.



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  • 收稿日期:2023-07-21
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  • 在线发布日期: 2024-06-17
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