
1.中国科学院成都生物研究所 成都 610041;2.中国科学院西北高原生物研究所 西宁 810001;3.中国科学院大学 北京 100049; 4.甘肃祁连山国家级自然保护区管护中心 张掖 734099;5.深圳市一个地球自然基金会 深圳 518000






国家自然科学基金项目(No. 32070520),GEF国家公园体制机制创新项目大熊猫国家公园四川省试点示范项目;

A Study of Snow Leopard Panthera uncia Habitat Corridors in Qilian Mountain National Park (Gansu Area)

1.Chengdu Institute of Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chengdu 610041; 2.Northwest Institute of Plateau Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xining 810001; 3.University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049; 4.Management and Protection Center of Qilianshan National Nature Reserve, Zhangye 734099;5.Shenzhen One Planet Foundation, Shenzhen 518000, China

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    雪豹(Panthera uncia)是高山流石滩等山地生境生物多样性的旗舰物种,对维持高山生态系统结构和功能稳定性起着重要作用。近年来雪豹种群数量有所恢复,但多种因素导致的栖息地破碎化仍对雪豹的种群生存造成威胁。建立廊道可将分散的栖息地斑块连接起来,提高雪豹抵抗干扰的能力,并为雪豹的长期生存提供重要保障。本研究以祁连山国家公园甘肃张掖分局保护片区及其15 km缓冲区为研究区域,基于祁连山国家公园甘肃张掖分局保护片区雪豹分布点数据,选取气候、地形和土地利用等环境变量,运用MaxEnt模型对雪豹栖息地适宜度进行分析并划定生态源地,而后基于最小代价路径原理识别雪豹廊道。结果显示,研究区域内雪豹适宜栖息地面积为13 432.066 km2,分布在片区内的适宜栖息地面积为7 086.195 km2,占适宜栖息地总面积的52.756%。崎岖度、最干季度平均温度和季节降雨变异系数是影响雪豹栖息地选择的关键因子。通过分析,最终划定9个生态源地用于后续廊道识别规划。在研究区域内共识别10条潜在生态廊道,廊道最长为18.725 km,最短为0.368 km,平均廊道长度为5.676 km。其中3条廊道连接片区内雪豹适宜栖息地斑块,5条廊道连接该片区与青海片区雪豹栖息地。基于上述结果,我们建议在提升片区内雪豹适宜栖息地之间整体连接度的同时,与青海省共同开展跨界保护工作,以制定更加科学合理的保护与管理计划。


    [Objectives] The Snow Leopard Panthera uncia is one of the world’s rare and endangered species and is vital in maintaining alpine ecosystems’ structural and functional stability. In recent years, grazing and other disturbances have led to the fragmentation of the Snow Leopard’s habitat and threatening the population’s survival. In order to protect and recover this species, conducting habitat suitability evaluation and building ecological corridors that connect scattered patches of habitat are essential for safeguarding its long-term survival. [Methods] The study area of this research are the Qilian Mountain National Park (Gansu area) and its 15 km buffer zone. A predictive habitat distribution map of Snow Leopards was estimated using the MaxEnt model with a total of 64 occurrence locations (Fig. 1) which were collected by camera monitoring and survey between 2018 and 2020 and environmental factors. The distribution of potential habitat and its relationship with major environmental factors were analyzed with MaxEnt 3.4.1. The accuracy of the result produced by the model with area was evaluated by receiver operating characteristic, ROC (area under the curve, AUC). The importance and contribution of environmental factors to the model’s prediction were evaluated by the Jackknife test. Suitable habitat distribution was indicated by habitat suitability index (HSI). Ecological corridors for Snow Leopards were identified and planned using the least-cost path model (LCP). [Results] The results of the Jackknife test showed that three variables, roughness, mean temperature of driest quarter, and precipitation seasonality were the key factors influencing the distribution of Snow Leopards (Fig. 3), with a value of contribution of 45.936%, 17.078% and 11.519%, respectively (Table 1). The suitable habitat was positively correlated with the roughness, and the occurrence probability of Snow Leopards remained unchanged when the roughness exceeded about 200. The relationship between suitable habitat and mean temperature of driest quarter and precipitation seasonality were humped (Fig. 4). The suitable habitat area of Snow Leopards in the study area was 13 432.066 km2, and the suitable habitat distributed in the park was 7 086.195 km2, accounting for 52.756% of the total suitable habitat area (Fig. 5b). According to habitat suitability analysis and population distribution of Snow Leopard, 9 core habitat patches were identified and 10 potential ecological corridors for Snow Leopard migration were delineated. The longest corridor length was 18.725 km, and the average length was 5.676 km (Fig. 6). Three of these corridors connected suitable Snow Leopard habitat patches within the Gansu area, and five connected the habitat in the Qinghai area. [Conclusion] Based on the results mentioned above, we recommend that efforts should be undertaken to enhance the connectivity between suitable habitats for Snow Leopards. Concurrently, it is advised to collaborate with Qinghai Province to facilitate cross-border conservation initiatives and develop a more scientifically sound and rational plan for protection and management.



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  • 收稿日期:2023-09-27
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  • 在线发布日期: 2024-08-23
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