
1.北京市密云区雾灵山林场管理处 北京 101506;2.北京市密云区园林绿化局 北京 101506;3.北京林业大学生态与自然保护学院 北京 100083;4.北京林业大学生物科学与技术学院 北京 100083






北京市密云区园林绿化局科研项目(No. YL2017019);

Activity Pattern Among Sympatric Leopard Cat, Asian Badger and Hog Badger in Wulingshan Nature Reserve, Beijing

1.Beijing Miyun District Wulingshan Forest Unit, Beijing 101506; 2.Beijing Miyun District Bureau of Gardening and Greening, Beijing 101506; 3.School of Ecology and Nature Conservation, Beijing Forestry University, Beijing 100083; 4.College of Biological Sciences and Technology, Beijing Forestry University, Beijing 100083, China

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    活动节律是行为生态学研究的一项重要内容,了解动物的活动节律是分析物种之间生态位分化、认识种间共存机制的重要内容。本研究借助红外相机技术,于2017年全年对分布于北京市密云区雾灵山自然保护区的豹猫(Prionailurus bengalensis)、亚洲狗獾(Meles leucurus)和猪獾(Arctonyx collaris)的活动节律进行比较研究。在35个位点布设红外相机,累计有效工作8 400个相机日,获得豹猫独立有效照片393张、亚洲狗獾682张、猪獾797张。采用非参数核密度估计方法分析3种动物的活动节律,结果显示,研究区域内3种动物的月活动节律随季节变化,初夏和初秋存在活动高峰。3种动物的日活动节律存在一定重叠,但具有各自不同的活动峰值:豹猫和猪獾在夜间活动强度较大,但猪獾的活动峰值较豹猫有所推迟,亚洲狗獾则在昼夜交替时期活动最频繁。3种动物通过活动节律峰值的差异产生了生态位分离,从而有利于同域分布下的共存。本研究从活动时间维度的峰值差异认识3种动物的活动节律生态位分化,有助于深入理解同域物种共存机制,为进一步开展3种动物行为生态适应研究、制定栖息地保护对策提供科学依据。


    [Objectives] Activity pattern is an important part of behavioral ecology research. Understanding the activity pattern of wild animals is a prerequisite for analyzing their survival strategies. Beijing Wulingshan Nature Reserve is an important carnivore distribution hotspot with much scientific research value. It will contribute to effective biodiversity management by revealing the co-existence adaptation among the carnivores. [Methods] In this study, camera trapping technology was used to study the activity patterns of sympatric Leopard Cat Prionailurus bengalensis, Asian Badger Meles leucurus and Hog Badger Arctonyx collaris distributed in Beijing Wulingshan Nature Reserves. A total of 35 infrared cameras were deployed with 8 400 camera-days during the study period of the whole 2017. Among the independent camera photos, there were 393 for Leopard Cat, 682 for Asian Badger, and 797 for Hog Badger. Using the “activity” and “overlap” packages in R, the non-parametric kernel density approach was used to examine the activity patterns based on the collected data. Using the “CompareCkern” in R Studio and a 500-run round robin test, the overlap coefficients were determined. [Results] The results indicated that the annual activity pattern of the three animals changed with seasons in similar patterns and the highest activity peak happened in early autumn (Fig. 2). The overlap factor of the activity patterns between Leopard Cat and Asian Badger were high in spring and autumn (Δ = 0.747 5 in spring and Δ = 0.772 8 in autumn), while the activity peaks were different (Fig. 3). In spring, the activity peaks of the Leopard Cat appeared in 3:00﹣5:00 and 21:00﹣23:00, while the Asian Badger were more active in 23:00﹣1:00 and 16:00﹣18:00 that were earlier than the Leopard Cat. In autumn, the Leopard Cat had two peaks in 3:00﹣5:00 and 20:00﹣22:00, whereas the Asian Badger only had one peak in 21:00﹣23:00 (Fig. 3). The Leopard Cat and the Hog Badger had similar activity trends in spring and summer, on the contrary, the activity patterns were different in autumn and winter (Fig. 4). The activity patterns of Asian Badger and Hog Badger showed much different in spring, summer and autumn. The activity peak of Asian Badger appeared in 16:00﹣18:00 in spring, 15:00﹣17:00 in summer, and 21:00﹣23:00 in autumn while the Hog Badger was in relatively low activity during the same time periods (Fig. 5). [Conclusion] Through the differentiation in activity peaks, these three carnivore species produced a fine scale temporal separation and realized the co-existence of sympatric distribution. This study strengthens the understanding of the coexistence strategies of the three species which provides baseline information for conducting further studies on carnivore behavioral adaptation and planning habitat conservation measures.



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  • 收稿日期:2023-09-28
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  • 在线发布日期: 2024-08-23
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