
中国地质大学(武汉)环境学院 武汉 430078






国家自然科学基金项目(No. 31000964);

Comparison of Different Song Types in a Population of Light-Vented Bulbuls With Song Playback Experiments

School of Environmental Studies, China University of Geosciences, Wuhan 430078, China

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    鸟类的鸣唱具有保卫领域和吸引配偶的功能。很多鸣禽的成年雄性个体可具有多种不同的鸣唱型。不同鸣唱型是否具有不同的行为意义?鸟类在不同鸣唱型的选择使用上是否存在差异?为探究上述问题,本研究于2022年春、秋两季对中国地质大学(武汉)未来城校区内的白头鹎(Pycnonotus sinensis)鸣声进行记录。发现校园区域白头鹎鸣唱存在两种鸣唱型,分别命名为A和B鸣唱型。两者在峰频率(P < 0.001)、鸣唱持续时间(P = 0.008)、峰频率相对时间(P = 0.022)、鸣唱音节数(P = 0.020)、鸣唱音节类型数(P < 0.001)等声学参数上存在显著差异,B鸣唱型的持续时间更长、音节数和音节类型数更多;在能量参数上,B鸣唱型的能量(P = 0.042)和振幅有效值(P = 0.054)均大于A鸣唱型,白头鹎产生B鸣唱型需要消耗更多的能量。A、B鸣唱型各自在不同季节的鸣唱参数和出现占比也会发生变化,推测占比的变化可能是由白头鹎个体在繁殖季与非繁殖季不同的鸣唱能量分配策略所导致。2023年4 ~ 6月(春季)和9及10月(秋季)对校园区域的白头鹎分别进行A、B鸣唱型的回放实验,春季和秋季的回放实验结果表明,白头鹎面对A、B两种鸣唱型时,在首次靠近声源延迟时长、首次鸣唱延迟时长、飞行次数、鸣唱次数、距离声源最近距离、停留时长等行为反应参数上均无显著差异;春、秋季的白头鹎面对同样鸣唱型回放时的各行为反应参数也没有显著差异,但受试个体在春季回放中对唱的个体数更多,且存在鸣唱型匹配现象。该实验未能证明白头鹎同一种群曲目库中的两种鸣唱型存在功能上的差异,但印证了春季白头鹎的领域性较秋季更强。本研究量化了同一种群白头鹎不同鸣唱型之间的声学特征差异以及各鸣唱型的季节差异,探讨了白头鹎对不同鸣唱型的行为反应,为理解鸟类鸣声通讯行为及鸣唱的功能提供了新的参考。


    [Objectives] A songbird may sing different songs while defending territory and attracting mates. Research shows that bird songs may have functional variation within one’s song repertoire. Light-vented Bulbul Pycnonotus sinensis, a common songbird resident in Wuhan, China, can sing 1﹣3 song types individually. Do different song types of Light-vented Bulbul have any functional differences? Do the birds change song type use between breeding season and non-breeding season? To answer these questions, we recorded songs from a Light-vented Bulbul population and explored the functional variations between the two song types (named type A and type B) which comprise the song repertoire of this bulbul population through song parameter comparisons and playback experiments. [Methods] From March to June, and October to November 2022, we recorded 1 007 songs from 15 Light-vented Bulbul territories in the campus area of China University of Geosciences, Wuhan, China. Song parameters of each song type in spring (breeding season) and in autumn (non-breeding season) were measured and compared between song types and between seasons using Wilcoxon signed-rank test. Then from April to June, and September to October 2023, we did playback experiments in the area of campus and nearby, including 18 playbacks in spring, of which 10 were for group A (song type A as playback stimuli) and 8 for group B (song type B as playback stimuli), and 11 playbacks in autumn, in which 5 for group A and 6 for group B. Behavioural parameters (number of flights, minimum distance to the speaker, time spent staying within 10 m to the speaker, number of responding songs) were measured for each playback and were compared between groups using Mann-Whitney test to explore the potential functional difference between song types, and using the Wilcoxon signed-rank test to explore the difference between seasons. [Results] Song parameters of 391 type A songs and 279 type B songs from 15 territories recorded in spring were compared and the results suggested that there were significant differences between song types in the following song parameters:peak frequency (P < 0.001), song duration (P = 0.008), peak time relative (P = 0.022), number of syllables per song (P = 0.020), number of syllable types per song (P < 0.001), energy (P = 0.042) (Table 1). Song type B has a longer song duration, more syllables, and more syllable types per song. Light-vented Bulbuls expend more energy to produce a type B song than a type A song. Songs recorded in autumn were also compared with those recorded in spring from the same territories. The results suggested the percentage of song types varies between seasons. The percentage of type A song was 52% ± 8% in spring and 62% ± 8% in autumn, while the percentage of type B song was 48% ± 8% in spring and 38% ± 8% in autumn (Fig. 3). Light-vented Bulbuls increased the use of type A song in autumn, with less usage of type B songs. Besides, the song parameters of each song type vary between seasons. Parameters with significant differences between seasons also differ between song types (Table 2). However, there were no significant differences in all responding behavioural parameters of the playback experiments in either spring or autumn between group A and group B (P > 0.05) (Table 3). Comparisons on responding behaviour parameters of Light-vented Bulbuls to the same song type playback also show no significant difference between seasons (P > 0.05) (Table 3). During spring playback, more Light-vented Bulbul individuals sang while responding and sang more songs with song type matching the playback songs than in autumn (Fig. 3). [Conclusion] It is speculated that the change in proportion of song type use between seasons may be the consequence of different singing energy allocation strategies of Light-vented Bulbuls during the breeding season and non-breeding season. Although there were significant differences in song parameters between the two song types in the repertoire of a certain Light-vented Bulbul population, no functional variations between song types were detected in this study with song playback experiments. The song-type matching during spring playbacks may be a signal of aggressive intention and Light-vented Bulbuls become less territorial during non-breeding season. This study quantified the differences in acoustic characteristics between different song types and between seasons in a population of Light-vented Bulbuls and discussed the potential functional variations between song types, which provided a new reference for understanding the communication behaviour of songbirds.



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  • 收稿日期:2024-01-15
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  • 在线发布日期: 2024-12-19
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