
1.① 大理大学东喜玛拉雅研究院 云南 大理 671003;2.② 中国三江并流区域生物多样性协同创新中心 云南 大理 671003





云岭滇金丝猴云南省野外科学观测研究站项目(No. 202105AM070008)

Nest Space Niche Partitioning Dynamics among Cattle Egret (Bubulcus ibis) and Its Competitive Species in Dali Old Town, Yunnan, China

① Institute of Eastern-Himalaya Biodiversity Research,Dali University

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    牛背鹭(Bubulcus ibis)作为入侵物种由非洲向美洲的扩散得到了广泛关注,然而牛背鹭与其竞争物种之间的巢空间生态位分化动态尚不明确。为了解牛背鹭与其他混群繁殖鹭类的巢空间生态位分化动态,2012、2016和2021年春夏季,对中国云南大理古城繁殖鹭类的群落结构和巢空间分布进行了调查。结果表明,2012和2016年中国云南大理古城繁殖鹭类群落的组成物种均为牛背鹭、夜鹭(Nycticorax nycticorax)和白鹭(Egretta garzetta),其中夜鹭为优势鸟种;2021年繁殖群落增加了中白鹭(Ardea intermedia),且牛背鹭变为优势鸟种。从2016年到2021年群落巢密度增加,其中牛背鹭的巢密度明显增加,夜鹭和白鹭巢密度均减少。对比2016和2021年牛背鹭、夜鹭和白鹭3种鹭的巢空间生态位宽度数值的变化,发现牛背鹭利用的巢空间生态位更泛化,而夜鹭和白鹭更特化;巢空间生态位重叠值变化表明,2021年牛背鹭对夜鹭、白鹭的巢址竞争比2016年的更激烈,而且2021年牛背鹭与夜鹭之间的巢址竞争比牛背鹭与白鹭之间的更激烈。研究表明,在2012、2016和2021年,在大理古城鹭类繁殖地中,牛背鹭在与比自身个体大的夜鹭的竞争中胜出,群落优势鸟种由夜鹭变为牛背鹭,繁殖鹭类的群落结构和生态位分化均发生了明显变化。


    [Objectives] The Cattle Egret (Bubulcus ibis) dispersed from Africa to the Americas and became an invasive species raising the attention of ecologists worldwide. However, the dynamics of nest space niche partitioning among Cattle Egret and its competitive species is unclear. In order to understand the dynamics of nest space niche partitioning among Cattle Egret and other mixed-species of breeding heron community, the community composition was investigated together with the nest space pattern in Dali old town, Yunnan, China, during the springs and summers of 2012, 2016 and 2021. [Methods] The study site is located in the forest belt (100°09′36″ E, 25°42′14″ N) along Zhonghe River in Dali old town, Yunnan Province. It is composed of two forest patches, namely old breeding sites (A, the breeding sites used by herons in 2012, but not used by herons in 2016 and 2021) and new breeding sites (B, the breeding sites not used by herons in 2012, respectively) (Fig. 1). The number, location and owner of nests were determined by direct observation. The east – west and north – south distribution of nests was assessed using markers set up during the preliminary survey. The distance between nests and the main trunk were estimated using the arm length and step length of the investigator. The height of nests was estimated using a 5 m fishing pole. The niche widths of each heron species were calculated based on Shannon–Wiener diversity index and the niche overlap index formula of Schoener (1968) was used to calculate the niche overlap between two heron species. [Results] The results showed that in 2012 and 2016, the heronry hosted individuals of Cattle Egret, Little Egret (Egretta garzetta) and Black-crowned Night Heron (Nycticorax nycticorax), with Black-crowned Night Heron being the dominant species (Fig. 2). In 2021, the Intermediate Egret (Ardea intermedia) was added in the community and the Cattle Egret became the dominant species (Fig. 2). From 2016 to 2021, the nest density of Cattle Egret increased significantly, while those of Black-crowned Night Heron and Little Egret decreased (Table 1). By comparing the changes of nest space niche widths of the three species occurring both in 2016 and 2021, it was found that Cattle Egret was more generalized in nest site use, while the Black-crowned Night Heron and Little Egret were more specialized (Table 2). The values of nest niche overlap indicated a more intense competition for nesting sites in 2021 between Cattle Egrets and the other two species, with the one against the Black-crowned herons being more pronounced (Table 3). [Conclusion] Our study showed that, during the period 2012, 2016 and 2021, the Cattle Egrets outcompeted the primary dominant and bigger Black-crowned Night Herons in Dali old town of Yunnan Province, China, restructuring the community composition and nest space niche partitioning of the colonial ardeid.



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  • 收稿日期:2021-10-15
  • 最后修改日期:2022-11-28
  • 录用日期:2022-11-23
  • 在线发布日期: 2022-12-15
  • 出版日期: 2022-12-15