





云南省重点研发计划项目(No. 202103AC100003),中国科学院战略性先导科技专项A(No. XDA19050303),科技基础资源调查专项(No. 2021FY100203),云南省重大科技专项计划项目(No. 02102AA310055),生物资源数字化开发应用项目(No. 202002AA100007),中国科学院中国生物多样性监测与研究网络项目,中国西南野生生物种质资源库动物分库(国家重大科技基础设施专项)

Amolops deng and A. chayuensis Found in Gaoligong Mountain from Yunnan Province

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    2021年4和5月及7和8月在云南省高黎贡山开展两栖爬行动物调查过程中,采集到无尾目(Anura)蛙科(Ranidae)湍蛙属(Amolops)标本8号,通过形态学与分子系统学鉴定为僜湍蛙(A. deng)和察隅湍蛙(A. chayuensis),为云南省两栖动物分布新记录种。僜湍蛙雌性体长63.1 ~ 68.5 mm(n = 3),雄性体长49.3 ~ 52.9 mm(n = 3),头长大于头宽,鼓膜明显且纵径大于横径,掌突三个,颞褶不显,背侧褶直达胯部,后肢前伸贴体时胫跗关节超过吻端,形态特征与模式标本基本一致;察隅湍蛙雄性体长44.7 mm和44.8 mm(n = 2),具咽侧下外声囊,颞褶及背侧褶明显,前后肢均具褐色条纹,形态特征与模式标本基本一致。基于线粒体16S rRNA基因和COI基因片段进行系统发育分析表明,僜湍蛙和察隅湍蛙均和其模式产地西藏的序列聚成单系支。此外,基于16S rRNA计算本次采集的标本与模式产地西藏的序列间遗传距离均较小,僜湍蛙是0.8% ~ 1.2%,察隅湍蛙是0.2%。综上,确定云南高黎贡山采集到的两种湍蛙分别是僜湍蛙和察隅湍蛙。此前记录僜湍蛙仅分布于西藏察隅县和墨脱县,察隅湍蛙仅分布于西藏察隅县和八宿县,僜湍蛙在云南省福贡县和贡山县及察隅湍蛙在云南省贡山县的分布为首次记录;本研究进一步更新了察隅湍蛙分布的海拔范围,较此前记录(2 000 ~ 2 400 m),海拔低点扩展至1 385 m,高点扩展至2 884 m,这提示其有更广阔的生态位。


    [Objectives] During the fieldworks in April-May and July-August 2021, we collected 8 specimens of Amolops (Anura: Ranidae) from Gaoligong Mountain, Yunnan Province, China, which were identified as A. deng and A. chayuensis by comparison of Morphology and Phylogeny. This represents first records of these species in Yunnan Province. [Methods] In this study, the morphological characteristics of the specimens we collected were compared and analyzed with the holotype of A. deng and A. chayuensis, respectively. Based on 16S rRNA gene and COI gene fragments, we used Mrbayes-3.1.2 to construct bayesian tree for phylogenetic analysis. Based on 16S rRNA gene fragments, we used p-distance in MEGA 7 to calculate the genetic distance between individuals of Amolops. All of the new sequences from this study have been uploaded to the NCBI GenBank, the other sequence we used were obtained in NCBI GenBank database (Table 1). [Results] The morphological characteristics are consistent between the specimens collected in this study and holotype. A. deng has a medium body size (SVL 63.1 to 68.5 mm in adult female, n = 3, 49.3 to 52.9 mm in adult male, n = 3); head length is larger than the head width; tympanum is obvious, and taller than the length; three metacarpal tubercles; supratympanic fold is not obvious; dorsolateral fold obvious and connect with the crotch; tibiotarsal articulation beyond snout. A. chayuensis has a small body size (SVL 44.7 mm and 44.8 mm in male, n = 2); males with external subgular vocal sacs; supratympanic fold and dorsolateral fold obviously; arms and legs with brown bands. In addition, the bayesian analyses strongly support the specimens we collected forms a monophyletic clades respectively with each holotype specimens of A. chayuensis and A. deng from Tibet, China (Fig 3). Based on 16S rRNA, the genetic distance of A. deng was 0.8%﹣1.2% and A. chayuensis was 0.2% between the samples we collected and type locality (Table 3). [Conclusion] In summary, the two species of Amolops collected in Gaoligong Mountain in Yunnan are determined to be A. deng and A. chayuensis. Both A. deng and A. chayuensis are first record of Gongshan and Fugong counties of Yunnan province (Fig. 4). In this study, we further updated the elevation range of the distribution of A. chayuensis, from 1 385 m lower to 2 884 m higher than the previous record.



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  • 收稿日期:2021-12-23
  • 最后修改日期:2022-09-02
  • 录用日期:2022-08-26
  • 在线发布日期: 2022-10-22
  • 出版日期: 2022-10-20