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万玛央措,徐富荣,杨怀印,沈小亚,刘浩,武维宁,陈鹏,刘娜,陈凌云,宁应之.2021.甘肃农田四种土壤腹毛类纤毛虫(纤毛门, 旋毛纲,腹毛亚纲)的形态学研究.动物学杂志,56(4):543-557.
甘肃农田四种土壤腹毛类纤毛虫(纤毛门, 旋毛纲,腹毛亚纲)的形态学研究
Morphological Studies of Four Species of Hypotrichous Ciliates (Ciliophora, Spirotrichea, Hypotrichia) from Farmland Soils in Gansu
投稿时间:2020-12-08  修订日期:2021-06-22
中文关键词:  甘肃  农田土壤  腹毛类纤毛虫  中国分布新记录种  未定种  形态学
英文关键词:Gansu  Farmland soils  Hypotrichous ciliates  New record species in China  Unnamed species  Morphology
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(No. 41761056,41361055)
万玛央措 西北师范大学生命科学学院 兰州 1461455288@qq.com 
徐富荣 榆中县恩玲高级中学 兰州 1529872704@qq.com 
杨怀印 西北师范大学生命科学学院 兰州 1739452718@qq.com 
沈小亚 西北师范大学生命科学学院 兰州 1720137058@qq.com 
刘浩 西北师范大学生命科学学院 兰州 1485645992@qq.com 
武维宁 甘肃农业大学资源与环境学院 兰州 37322353@qq.com 
陈鹏 西北师范大学生命科学学院 兰州 33591465@qq.com 
刘娜 西北师范大学生命科学学院 兰州 307525380@qq.com 
陈凌云 西北师范大学生命科学学院 兰州 lychen@nwnu.edu.cn 
宁应之* 西北师范大学生命科学学院 兰州 skyb514@qq.com 
摘要点击次数: 613
全文下载次数: 1042
      利用非淹没培养皿法、活体观察法和蛋白银染色法,对采自甘肃临夏县和会宁县农田土壤的4种腹毛类纤毛虫,即柠檬管膜虫(Cyrtohymena citrina)、背触毛拟腹柱虫(Gastrostylides dorsicirratus)、沙栖蠕形尖毛虫(Vermioxytricha arenicola )和半残毛虫属一种(Hemisincirra sp.)进行了研究。结果表明,柠檬管膜虫、背触毛拟腹柱虫和沙栖蠕形尖毛虫为中国纤毛虫分布新记录种。半残毛虫属一种因缺失相关分类学、细胞发生学和分子学信息,此处暂作为未定名种处理。文中对4种纤毛虫的形态学特征进行了详细描述和讨论。
      Four species of hypotrichous ciliates isolated from farmland soils in Gansu, Cyrtohymena citrina (Fig. 1 and 2), Gastrostylides dorsicirratus (Fig. 3 and 4), Vermioxytricha arenicola (Fig. 5﹣7) and Hemisincirra sp. (Fig. 8 and 9), were studied morphologically using non-flooded Petri dish method, live observation and protargol staining methods. Among the species, C. citrine, G. dorsicirratus and V. arenicola are new record species of ciliates in China and H. sp. is kept as an unnamed form owing to the lack of some key taxonomic data and morphogenetic as well molecular information, which are required for accurate identification. Their morphological character were described in details and discussed.
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