
1.中国科学院成都生物研究所 成都 610041;2.西华师范大学生命科学学院 南充 637009;3.峨眉山林业管理所 乐山 614203






质兰基金项目(No. 2022100541A),阿拉善SEE青年学者资助项目(No. SEE-B-3709);

The Population Situation and Habitat Selection of Dopasia harti in Mt. Emei and the Surrounding Region

1.Chengdu Institute of Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chengdu 610041; 2.College of Life Science, China West Normal University, Nanchong 637009; 3.Mt Emei Forestry Management Institute, Leshan 614203, China

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    脆蛇蜥(Dopasia harti)是主要分布在中国的受胁爬行动物,为国家二级重点保护野生动物。到目前为止,脆蛇蜥野生种群资源和生境偏好尚缺乏系统研究。作者在2020年对峨眉山及周边区域的居民进行了问卷调查,2023年根据问卷调查结果在脆蛇蜥出现地点进行了实地调查,设置样方以探究脆蛇蜥的生境选择。对调查问卷结果及实地调查的各生境因子占比进行统计分析,并对生境因子进行主成分分析后发现:在峨眉山及其周边地区,脆蛇蜥野生种群数量因人为捕捉和栖息地变化等原因普遍下降,其分布已退缩至峨眉山市高桥镇、绥山镇、龙池镇、黄湾镇,夹江县华头镇和眉山市洪雅县柳江镇。峨眉山地区脆蛇蜥偏向选择位于中低海拔地区(主要为800 ~ 1 200 m)、半阴半阳坡、距离水源大于50 m、草本高度大于6 cm且植被覆盖率为10% ~ 75%土壤疏松的阔叶林中。根据此次调查,脆蛇蜥受到的干扰因子主要为道路建设和种植业。在脆蛇蜥保护方面,建议优化道路建设,避免破坏脆蛇蜥栖息地;推广生态友好产品种植,推广自然生态旅游,减少对脆蛇蜥栖息地的破坏;以及加强对周边民众的科普教育,提高人们的保护意识。


    [Objectives] Dopasia harti is a threatened reptile mainly distributed in China, and is a national secondary key protected wild animal. So far, there is a lack of systematic studies on the resources and habitat preferences of the wild population of the D. harti. [Methods] This paper conducted a questionnaire survey of residents in Mt. Emei and the surrounding areas in 2020, and according to the results of the questionnaire, a field survey was conducted in spots where the D. harti have been found, and quadrats were set up to explore the habitat selection of D. harti in 2023. The results of the questionnaire and the proportion of each habitat factors in the field survey were statistically analyzed, and the habitat factors were analyzed using principal component analysis. [Results] The results showed that:due to habitat changes and human capture, the population of D. harti in Mt. Emei and its surrounding areas has generally declined (Table 1). The distribution of D. harti has been retreated to Gaoqiao Town, Suishan Town, Longchi Town, Huangwan Town in Emeishan City, Huatou Town in Jiajiang County, and Liujiang Town in Hongya County, Meishan City. In Mt. Emei area, the D. harti preferred to live in the evergreen broad-leaved forest of loose soil in the middle and low altitude areas (mainly 800﹣1 200 m), semi-shady and semi-sunny slope, more than 50 m from water source and more than 6 cm from herbaceous height, and the vegetation coverage rate was 10%﹣75% (Table 3). [Conclusion] According to the survey, most of the disturbance factors are road construction and planting. For the protection of D. harti, road construction should be optimized to avoid destroying the habitats of D. harti. We should also promote the cultivation of eco-friendly products and natural eco-tourism to increase the income of local people; and strengthen the popular science education of the surrounding people and improve people’s awareness of protection.



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  • 收稿日期:2023-09-08
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  • 在线发布日期: 2024-08-23
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